Quick command snippets to interact with Kubernetes.
kubectl get pods selector app=somesystem
kubectl get jobs
kubectl exec -it podname -- bash
kubectl proxy -p 8123
kubectl replace -f blah
kubectl scale deployment appname replicas=3
kubectl describe podname
kubectl port-forward
kubectl get configmaps
kubectl get configmaps blah-config -o yml
kubectl delete pods --selector app=card
kubectl apply -f kube/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f kube/test/config/configmap.yml
kube create secret docker-registry gcr-registry --dry-run -o yaml --docker-server=https://gcr.io --docker-username=_json_key [email protected] --docker-password=(jq -c . gcp-service-account.json ) > gcr-registry.yml
kubeseal --format=yaml \
--cert=sealed-secrets-cert.pem \
< gcr-registry.yml \
> secret-gcr-registry.yml